5 Things I’m Trying to Stop Apologizing For

My favorite organization https://twloha.com/ came out with a new campaign at the beginning of May in honor of mental health month. The “Black and White” campaign is all about owning our truths and not compromising on our boundaries when it comes to mental health. One of their challenges was to figure out five things you aren’t willing to apologize for. These five things, to you, are black and white statements. They’re uncompromisable. These things are critical to your well being. They’re a part of you. I’ve found my five things. Can you?

1. I will not apologize for my emotions. I’m the first to admit that I’m an emotional girl. For a small person, I’ve got a huge heart and I wear it on my sleeve. I feel things and I feel them hard. I used to hate how sensitive I am. I thought it was a weakness or something to be embarrassed of. Now, I embrace it. Being sensitive allows me to be a good friend and a good caretaker. Being sensitive allows me to feel things that other people don’t feel. Being sensitive is a part of what makes me who I am. I won’t apologize for it.

2. I will not apologize for setting boundaries. The boundaries that I set aren’t about you, trust me. Boundaries are about me and how much I can handle. Sometimes I leave a social event early, sometimes I don’t go at all, sometimes I say no, and sometimes I say yes. Some boundaries are constant. Other boundaries are ever changing. No matter what kind of boundary it is though, I need it. I would not have installed it if I didn’t. I won’t apologize for my boundaries.

3. I will not apologize for talking about mental health. Mental health is important to me, who knew, right? I’m passionate about mental health on another level. It’s one of my favorite things to talk about. I love learning more about it. I love helping others understand it better. I’m on a mission to help reduce the stigma that surrounds mental health. I won’t apologize for that.

4. I will not apologize for needing space. This might be controversial, but I need space. I’m an introvert. Sometimes socializing makes me tired, self-conscious, and cranky. When I say goodbye three hours early it’s not about you, it’s about me. I would probably love to stay longer, but physically and emotionally I can’t handle it. If I don’t get the space I need I can fall into a hole for hours, sometimes even days before I manage to get back out again. I won’t apologize for needing space.

5. I will not apologize for being too much. Wow, this is a tough one. I can be a lot. I know that, trust me. I used to remind myself to take a few steps back, to settle down. Now, like my sensitivity, I embrace it. Maybe I am a lot for some people sometimes. I’m also not enough for some people sometimes. But I guess that’s just who I am, so I won’t apologize for it.

What five things are you going to try to stop apologizing for?

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